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Geographies of Youth Work: Imaginative Politics of Adult-Youth Relations

Szanowni Państwo,

uprzejmie zawiadamiamy, że 14 maja, w godzinach 10:00-11:30 odbędzie się zebranie ogólnowydziałowe WGSEiGP w sali nr 21 Coll. Geographicum, podczas którego dr Matej Blazek (Newcastle University) wygłosi prelekcję pt.: "Geographies of Youth Work: Imaginative Politics of Adult-Youth Relations".

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Władze Dziekańskie Wydziału GSEiGP

In this talk, I draw from a forthcoming book (co-written with Ruth Cheung Judge) Geographies of Youth Work: Imaginative Politics of Adult-Youth Relations, in which we explore the transformative potential of youth work’s practices of informality, flexibility, and playful, responsive and often intensely personal and emotional relationships between adults and young people. The talk itself is focused on work that is somewhat preparatory to this and is about tracing scales of connections between youth work and the broader politics of social reproduction and futurity enacted by the state and adult societies. Drawing on historical and contemporary case studies from multiple countries, the talk develops two arguments. First, that specific permutations of youth work in national contexts provide a unique understanding or the politics of adult-youth relations asserted by the state and adult societies, which frame young people as simultaneously an adult projection and a project. And second, that despite significant differences in how youth work has developed across the world, some of these developments are in fact driven by transnational mobilities of people, ideas and institutions, creating a potential for transformative politics that bridges the everyday and the ‘macro’ spheres of adult-youth relations.