Zapraszamy wszystkich zainteresowanych do udziału w seminarium naukowym, w trakcie którego dr Gabriele Filomena z Uniwersytetu w Liverpoolu przedstawi prezentację pt. (Spatial) Cognition in Urban Analysis.
Seminarium odbędzie się w dniu 17.10 o godzinie 13:00 w sali L104 (Collegium Geographicum).
Gabriele will present work focused on integrating human cognition into computational urban models. The first part of the presentation will summarize theoretical and empirical research on cognitive maps and spatial behavior, examining their relevance for urban and geographical analysis. He will argue that incorporating cognitive science theories into computational models of urban systems—particularly where human behavior is critical, such as urban mobility—can yield more plausible results. Unlike models based on simplistic assumptions, cognitively grounded models are better equipped to capture the complexity, heterogeneity, and uncertainty inherent in urban environments. To illustrate this, a GIS-based computational approach to cognitive representations of space will be demonstrated, along with its application in an agent-based simulation of pedestrian movement within cities.
Gabriele is a cognitive psychologist and geographer. After his MD in Cognitive Science at the University of Turin (Italy), he obtained a MRes from University College London (The Bartlett Center for Advanced Spatial Analysis, The United Kingdom), and a PhD in Geoinformatics from the University of Muenster (Germany). His work is grounded on Lynch's (1960) theory of the Image of the City and contemporary research on cognitive maps. He successfully integrated cognitive maps into pedestrian agents to simulate and estimate the distribution of pedestrians in large urban areas.