Econometric and Spatial Modelling Laboratory
The laboratory supports the Faculty’s design and research work in terms of econometric modelling. The studies focus on addressing scientific questions that require, on the one hand, large computing capacities and, on the other, highly specialized software based on the state-of-the-art econometrics, spatial econometrics, statistics, spatial statistics and mathematics. At present, the research in the laboratory concentrates on the following issues:
- Modelling structures and spatial processes
- Methods of regional analysis
- New trends in regression analysis: Data exploration
- Non-statistical classification methods: Rough sets
- Spatial optimization and factor analysis for spatial series
- Calculus of variations in modelling transport systems
- Verification of assumptions of the statistical methods applied in spatial analysis
- Cellular automata and neural networks in modelling urbanization processes
- Time series analysis
- Markov chains in communication availability research
- Spatio-temporal modelling and simulation of diffusion processes
- Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of binary matrices and weight matrices used in geographical research
- Geographically weighted regression (GWR) and spatial regression models in spatio-economic research
- Spatial differences in Poland’s economy
- Regional and local economies in Poland in new systemic conditions
Econometric and Spatial Modelling Laboratory has five workstations with large computing capacity and a server shared with the Regional Spatial Information Systems Laboratory and Architecture and Urban Design Laboratory. The workstations are equipped with the following software: Matlab, R, SPSS, GeoDa, Surfer, Gretl, Grapher, SaTScan, PQStat, QGIS. The software base is systematically expanded and the spatial database is to be created in the future.
Contact the lab
Room L105; tel. 61 829 63 38
Computations should be consulted with Dr. Tomasz Kossowski: tel. 61 829 61 47; e-mail: