Computer-Assisted Data Analysis and Qualitative Research Laboratory
About Laboratory:
The main aim of the Computer-Assisted Data Analysis and Qualitative Research Laboratory is to increase the scientific and teaching potential for conducting qualitative research and qualitative data analysis at the Faculty of Human Geography and Planning. By realizing this aim, the Laboratory is expected to contribute to developing the discipline of socio-economic geography and spatial management. The Laboratory's activities are planned within the framework of two main areas: research development and teaching and education.
Scope of Laboratory activities:
The main issues addressed in the work of the Laboratory:
- Qualitative perspective in the study of human geography.
- Paradigms and theories in qualitative research.
- Ethics of qualitative research.
- Qualitative research methods (IDI, FGI, observation, content analysis, visual analysis, field research, etc.).
- Use of Computer-Assisted data analysis in human geography research.
- design and conduct of the research process using qualitative and mixed approaches.
- Visualization of qualitative data.
- Computer-assisted analysis of large data sets.
- Qualitative analysis of quantitative data.
Location: L108 Room
Supervisors: dr Maciej Główczyński, dr Adam Wronkowski